The Contributions of Physiotherapy in Male Sexual Dysfunctions: Literature Review




Game therapy. Virtual reality, cardiovascular. Benefits of Gametherapy, Rehabilitation


Erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE) are presented as the inability or inadequate control to achieve and maintain a penile erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual activity, and may be an indication of existing diseases, especially diseases associated with the cardiovascular system, an example of this. it is the simple imbalance between contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle in the corpus cavernosum, or psychological factors. The subject of this chapter deals with the contributions of pelvic physiotherapy in the care of patients with a disability or functional deficit of penile erection and premature ejaculation (PE) for appropriate sexual activity. Patients with erectile dysfunction (ED) and premature ejaculation (PE), in general, in addition to physical and functional, psychosocial limitations, end up presenting difficulties in quality of life and interpersonal relationships. With the increasing evolution of science, can pelvic physiotherapy benefit treatment? He considered that: pelvic physiotherapy could promote an evolution of the functional response and adequate control for satisfactory sexual activity, since the role of physiotherapy in the rehabilitation process in the face of sexual dysfunction is of paramount importance in order to restore the functionality of men in a safe and efficient, with non-drug and conventional treatment as a priority. Techniques such as kinesiotherapy, electro-stimulation, behavioral treatment are used, with the possibility of using them individually or simultaneously, thus improving the blood supply to the penis region and contributing in erection. The objective of the research is to carry out a literature review to investigate the response of pelvic physiotherapy in the rehabilitation and functional maintenance of patients with erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. This research is of paramount importance for the knowledge of health professionals, for science and new studies. This is a literature review research.

Author Biographies

Carla Chiste Tomazoli Santos, Faculdade Sena Aires, Valparaíso de Goiás, Brasil

Possui graduação em Fisioterapia pela Universidade de Marília (1992) e Mestrado em Ciencias da Saude pela Universidade de Brasília (2002). Atuou como Docente/Supervisora de Estágio da FACIPLAC - Faculdades Integradas da União Educacional do Planalto Central, no Curso de Fisioterapia, na área de Prática em Fisioterapia Supervisionada em Pediatria e Neuropediatria Atualmente atua na FACESA - Faculdade Sena Aires, no Curso de Fisioterapia, na área de Prática de Fisioterapia Supervisionada em Pediatria e Neuropediatria; e bem como Docente da disciplina Pediatria Clínica. É Coordenadora do Núcleo de Responsabilidade Social; Coordenadora do Projeto de Extensão Benjamim; Integrante do Núcleo de Apoio Social - NAP da FACESA; apresenta experiência na Docência Superior em EaD; e em disciplinas Híbridas. Tem experiência na área de Fisioterapia e Terapia Ocupacional, com ênfase em Fisioterapia, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: ensino em fisioterapia, síndromes e má formações congênitas, paralisia cerebral, espasticidade, terapêutica em fisioterapia, e uso de órteses; desenvolvendo ações com crianças portadoras de deficiências motoras e cognitivas desde 1992 até a presente data.

Thyago Mendes Lago, Faculdade Sena Aires, Valparaíso de Goiás, Brasil

Faculdade Sena Aires, Valparaíso de Goiás, Brasil

Juliana de Amorim Peixoto, Faculdade Sena Aires, Valparaíso de Goiás, Brasil

Faculdade Sena Aires, Valparaíso de Goiás, Brasil


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How to Cite

Santos, C. C. T., Lago, T. M., & Peixoto, J. de A. (2022). The Contributions of Physiotherapy in Male Sexual Dysfunctions: Literature Review. Scientific Collection Magazine, 6(11), 09–18.