Facing the diagnosis of Down Syndrome by parents: nursing contributions
Down's syndrome. Parent-Child Relations. Child Care. Nursing.Abstract
Down syndrome is caused by a genetic alteration that is manifested by several signs and symptoms. Parents and the way they face the diagnosis play a fundamental role in the life of a child with Down Syndrome. It is up to nursing to minimize any problems that may harm the biopsychosocial well-being of the child. Objective: to reveal the experience of parents about the diagnosis of Down Syndrome in their children and to verify the previous knowledge about DS. Method: This study is a systematic review of the published literature on the subject. Scientific articles were collected through the Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (). Articles published in the BDENF and Lilacs databases until June7th, 2022 were selected, using the descriptors "Down Syndrome", "Nursing" and "Child Care", combined by the Boolean operator “AND”. Results: The analyzed studies show that the nurse has a fundamental role in this process and that the literature on the subject is still very scarce
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