The custody hearing and restorative justice in the promotion of human dignity: for the adoption of the posture of the democratic state of law




Restorative Justice. Custody Hearing. Criminal System. Dignity of human person. Democratic state.


Faced with an old criminal and procedural criminal model that does not respond to conflicts between the interested parties, thereby creating a discredit our justice in general, the Restorative Justice with the Hearing of Custody appears as a possibility to solve such problem and as an element of Democratic State of Direct. The Carta Magma of 1988 represents the major symbol of the process of democratization and national constitutionalization, and is seen as our Citizen Constitution. The above principle of the Dignity of the Human Person contained in the constitutional text is one of the main foundations of our Republic, functioning as a basis for the direct and fundamental guarantees of the citizen, especially in the criminal sector. From the arrival of the new National Constitution, a re-reading of the infraconstitutional legislations, that begin to be interpreted according to the new constitutional text. In the current national juridical-juridical conjuncture, it is associated with the idea of garantism, linked to the concept of Democratic State of Right, presents the Restorative Justice together with the Hearing of Custody as the possibility of a new model of justice, more  human and quotient , in order to apply the correct sentence by the State, to resolve the conflict, to seek positive results in reducing criminal recidivism, victim satisfaction and changing the culture of violence, so that we can be compatible with the Democratic Rule of Law.

Author Biography

Anderson Melo de Almeida, Faculdade Cenecista de Rio das Ostras, FACRO, RJ, Brasil

Faculdade Cenecista de Rio das Ostras, FACRO, RJ, Brasil


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How to Cite

Almeida, A. M. de . (2017). The custody hearing and restorative justice in the promotion of human dignity: for the adoption of the posture of the democratic state of law. Scientific Collection Magazine, 1(1), 28–67.