Teaching identity: construction of a reality from the perspective of ProDIC students.- UNEAL
Supervised Curricular Internship, Students, ProDIC, Initial TrainingAbstract
The purpose of this research is to compare the perceptions of the students of the Graduate Program in Territorial Dynamics and Culture (ProDIC) - UNEAL regarding the Supervised Curricular Internship at school. The research will use a qualitative method, through a case study, from the perspective of a descriptive analytical model. The participants will be 10 master’s students from the PPG. The instruments used will be: Field Notes and the Final Report Document of the interns, submitted to the technique of Content Analysis, based especially on Minayo (2002). The results of this analysis will reveal that the perception of both (supervising teacher and student) about the same period of internship experienced will be quite distinct. This study understands it is necessary for the participants of this important stage of initial training to work together and be aware of the roles they represent and their responsibilities. Furthermore, this research considers it fundamental that both understand the importance of the internship, build a partnership relationship, and be aware of the roles they represent.
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